Уровень Английского Языка

by Robert Kawaev



This is a free comprehensive test that will help determine your level of English proficiency in all respects:- Grammar- Listening comprehension- LexiconEnglish levels:A1 - This is a beginner who can only speak and understand a few words or phrases or may not know English at all.A2 - Level A2 corresponds to those people who can understand basic expressions and communicate in simple language.B1 - Level B1 corresponds to people who can understand and formulate texts on familiar topics, as well as give opinions and descriptions.B2 - Level B2 corresponds to people who can formulate clear, detailed text and interact with a certain degree of fluency and spontaneity.C1 - Level C1 corresponds to people who can freely and spontaneously express their thoughts. They can use the language flexibly and effectively in all situations.C2 - Level C2 corresponds to experienced people who can easily understand and express almost everything and distinguish finer shades of meaning.